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2019年4月,杭州电子科技大学计算机学院与日本山梨大学(University of Yamanashi)计算机系共同申请的科技技术交流活动项目有幸通过中国科技部与日本科学技术振兴机构遴选,成为该年度第一批获批立项的39个中日青少年科技交流计划项目之一。 经过火热的报名和紧张的筛选后,杭州电子科技大学计算机学院最终派出8名大三学生及2名大二学生共10人,由杭州电子科技大学——山梨大学中日合作办学项目教学秘书作为带队教师,组成交流团组,于6月2日奔赴山梨大学开始了为期7天的科技交流。 访问期间,团组人员深入了解了山梨大学及其计算机系科研和教学发展情况,亲身体验了全英文授课的深度学习课程,与日本学生搭档共同完成和展示了交互类产品设计,逐一参观了各个研究室的主要研究内容,与山梨大学计算机系师生就双方院校在计算机学科方面的教学和研究进行了深入探讨。此外,团队一行人员还参观了NEC与西铁城两大企业的分公司,切身体会了日本精密仪器制造流水线的高标准和精益求精的企业精神。最后,团组成员拜访了国立科学博物馆及东京大学,并领略了东京的大都市风光。 在山梨大学教职工精心细致的安排下,在山梨大学师生热心真诚的陪伴中,杭电计算机学院交流团组度过了充实且愉快的7日,所有团员都感慨受益匪浅;同时,杭电计算机学院学生出色的英语交流能力、对工程项目的奇思妙想、以及阳光开朗的性格,也给山梨大学的老师和学生留下了极为深刻的印象。 下面附上参加本次交流的学生代表个人心得体会一篇。 Visit to Japan Hangzhou Dianzi University, Wendan Lou The 7 days of study are meaningful and unforgetable.It not only expands my horizons, but also gives me a chance to harvest precious friendship. At the moment, Japan is no longer an abstract and vague impression in books, movies and TV plays. For the first time, I am able to feel in person the loveliness and kindness of Japanese people, and feel their preciseness and seriousness in work. For the first time, I set foot on a foreign land, surrounded by unfamiliar languages. I suddenly regret that I did not learn basic Japanese in the past. Although we have learnt Japanese culture in advance, the language barrier still prevented us from going deep into it and feeling its similarities and differences. Japanese volunteers accompanied us all the way. We chatted happily though we were in poor oral English. We are all majored in computer science,and coding seems to have brought us closer at once. At this moment, I felt that knowledge had no borders and we were doing the same thing and the same work in our respective places. We visited the memorial hall, library and teaching and research department of Yamanashi University. Each part is organized orderly. If I had to find out the difference, I think Yamanashi University would be more humane in handling the details. Judo experience also left a deep impression on me. Although judo originated in the war years, it carries a modern elegance and respect. Even though sweat soaked our foreheads and our faces were flushed bright red, we still enjoyed it. We also listened to the basic courses of deep learning. Under the leadership of teachers and teaching assistants , we have studied the basic theory of deep learning and conducted the introductory exercises of CNN and DNN. Mr. nishizaki's explanation was easy to understand and can help us understand the theoretical basis and wide application of deep learning quickly. Besides,we had a fild work and gave a report. We had a heated discussion and designed an app to facilitate shoppers. Group A introduces their products in the form of performance, with similar functions as our group. The form is vivid, novel and attractive. Our group B introduces our products with our own shopping experience. Group C teaches tourists to experience Japanese characteristics in the form of videos from the perspective of tourists, such as how to pray, how to cook pancake. Group D is to plan routes in the form of games, complete related tasks and introduce related buildings as well as commodities on the travel route. The performance of each team was excellent, every product was practical and creative. It turns out that the inspiration of science and technology comes from life. we learned about different studies in different laboratories. Their innovations in different applications have expanded our knowledge and stimulated our interest in certain field.We also visited two enterprises near Mount Fuji. The first one was about the production line of computers. From picking up parts to processing to packaging, every step was in perfect order. The processing and production process has been semi-automated, with the exception of screw tightening and other tasks currently difficult to be completed by machines. We have seen their company's assembly line shorten step by step, improve efficiency step by step, and continue to make progress. The second enterprise is mainly engaged in LED lights. We have witnessed the continuous development of their enterprise lights. From yellow light to natural light, from weak brightness to strong brightness, they constantly improved the utilization rate. The switches they designed were also getting smaller and smaller, more nimble and convenient. The switch is unbelievably tiny, but it is very complicated and contains a lot of technical knowledge. I learnt a lot from the 7-days study and met many nice people. If I had a chance, I would like to visit Japan again and learn more about their computer science technology.